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- * Welcome to Magic Folders
- Version 96.07b
- Magic Folders makes any folder (directory) you choose and all the files
- in that folder completely invisible to those without your password.
- These invisible folders and files can't be deleted, viewed, modified,
- or run. For all practical purposes they don't exist. Use Magic
- Folders to protect your finances, taxes, and personal documents. Not
- only won't other users not know these files exist, they won't be able
- to accidentally delete or modify them either. With Magic Folders you
- can turn over your computer to your children or your co-workers
- without worrying if they'll delete, modify or view important files.
- Yet, just enter your password and you'll instantly have complete and
- normal access to all your folders and the files within. There's no
- need to un-hide each file or folder individually. And Magic Folders
- is totally transparent. No one need know your invisible
- folders/files even exist.
- If you wish you can establish 5 different accounts so everyone using
- your computer can create their own invisible folders that only they
- have access to.
- If you share your computer you need Magic Folders. Use it to protect
- files you don't want others to delete, modify, view, or use. Keep your
- important files safe. Protect them with Magic Folders!
- Magic Folders works in DOS, Windows 3.1, and Windows 95. It will not
- hide your folders/files in OS/2, 32 bit file access in Windows for
- Workgroups or Windows NT. It is not for use on shared LAN drives.
- Magic Folders (tm) is copyrighted 1996 by RSE Incorporated. Parts of
- the program are proprietary. Do not use the software unless you
- agree NOT to unassemble, disassemble, reverse engineer or use any
- other means to examine or modify the code of any of its files
- including MAGIC.EXE and MF.EXE.
- "Magic Folders" is licensed "As is" without any express or implied
- warranties whatsoever. In no event shall RSE Inc. be liable for any
- loss of profit or any other commercial damage, including without
- limitation, special, incidental, consequential or other damages.
- Your rights may vary based on your state's laws.
- By choosing to install "Magic Folders" you signal that you understand
- and agree to abide by the above.
- * How much?
- Magic Folders is shareware. You're freely given this copy in order
- to evaluate it. If after a 30 day evaluation period you decide to
- continue using Magic Folders then you must become a registered user.
- You can register instantly by modem (select "Register Now" under the
- "Registration" menu) or by sending the registration fee of $29 plus
- $1 shipping ($5 overseas) to:
- Magic Folders Mastercard or Visa customers:
- 1157 57th Drive SE E-mail: register@pc-magic.com
- Auburn, WA 98092 (206) 939-4105
- After Oct97: (253) 939-4105
- Make check in US funds drawn on a US or Canadian bank payable to RSE.
- You're encouraged to freely distribute copies of MFD.ZIP as long as
- you don't modify the files in any way. DO NOT distribute the
- individual, extracted, files; only MFD.ZIP.
- As a registered user you'll receive these additional benefits:
- 1. No more annoying messages (and delays) asking you to register.
- 2. The latest version of Magic Folders.
- 3. Free updates for 6 months! (If you download them)
- 4. The latest full function evaluation versions of our other
- shareware including our popular "Remind Me!" programs.
- 5. Technical support
- 6. A sincere "Thank you" for supporting our efforts to develop quality
- software and offer it at reasonable prices.
- Site licenses are available, as well as quantity discounts.
- If for some reason you decide not to register Magic Folders please
- send us e-mail and let us know why. We're always trying to improve
- our products.
- * Installation
- If you haven't already installed Magic Folders you need to do so now.
- Run "MAGIC.EXE" from within Windows.
- * Disk compression software
- If you have disk compression software like Stacker or DoubleDisk make
- sure that the line in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file that runs Magic Folders
- (MF.EXE, or whatever you renamed it during installation) occurs AFTER
- the line that loads your disk compression program.
- * Selecting your magic folders
- Magic folders are those folders you want to be able to make
- invisible. You designate which folders you want to be magic folders
- by selecting the "Add" button at the top of the screen.
- Magic Folders not only makes all the files in your magic folders
- invisible it also makes any sub folders invisible too. For example,
- if you designate "C:\TAXES" as a magic folder then all the files in
- "C:\TAXES\BUSINESS" would be invisible too.
- * Making your magic folders invisible
- Your magic folders are invisible from the time you start your computer
- until the time your computer is turned off unless you deliberately
- make them visible as explained below.
- * Making your magic folders visible
- To make your magic folders visible run Magic Folders (in the
- Accessories group), enter your password, and then select "Make
- Folders Visible". This gives you instant, complete, and normal
- access to all your files, including the files in your magic folders.
- Likewise, to make your magic folders invisible again just run Magic
- Folders, enter your password and select "Make Folders Invisible" or
- use the shortcut and just click on the "Please enter your password"
- message when prompted for your password. Your magic folders also
- become invisible again if your re-boot or turn off your computer.
- * Utility Functions
- Selecting "Utilities" from the top menu lets you change your
- password, switch to another account (if you know its password), and
- remove your account. The Master Account can also create new accounts
- and un-install Magic Folders.
- * AutoStart
- You can have Magic Folders automatically start whenever you boot
- your computer. In AutoStart mode, Magic Folders gets your password,
- makes your magic folders visible and then exits. You can use this
- feature to control access to your computer.
- You have two options when installing AutoStart. Both deal with how
- incorrect passwords are handled. The first option lets you attempt
- to enter the password just once. If incorrect then the user is
- granted access to the computer but all magic folders remain
- invisible.
- The second option lets you attempt to enter the password three times.
- After three tries the computer is shut down. In other words, only
- those with Magic Folder accounts will have access to the computer.
- In both options AutoStart looks for the KeyDisk if the password is
- not valid. Therefore you can still use the KeyDisk to gain access
- should you forget your password. And as always, you can use DISABLE
- on the KeyDisk to uninstall Magic Folders should you not be able to
- access Magic Folders within Windows.
- Because AutoStart only makes your magic folders visible you still run
- Magic Folders (in the Accessories group) to modify your magic folder
- list and all other Magic Folder functions.
- You can un-install AutoStart from within Magic Folders, or by
- removing the "Password Entry" icon from the "Startup" group.
- * Multiple Accounts
- Magic Folders lets you create up to five different accounts, each of
- whose magic folders are invisible to the others. In this way each
- user of your computer, or member of the family, can have their own
- magic folders. You could also use this feature to group similar
- files together so that working on one group doesn't expose the
- others. For example, one account for financial data, one for
- business, one for personal documents, etc..
- Only the magic folders of one account can be visible at any time. In
- other words when someone successfully enters their password, all
- magic folders are made invisible. If that person exits by selecting
- "Make Folders Invisible" then all magic folders remain invisible. If
- they exit with "Make Folders Visible" then only their folders become
- visible, all others remain invisible. For example if you make your
- folders visible, and your son comes along and uses Magic Folders to
- make his folders visible, then yours become invisible.
- If you create multiple accounts you can't make all files on the
- computer visible at one time without uninstalling Magic Folders.
- Remember this when making backups. It also means that you don't want
- to make multiple accounts if you have a disk fix or defragmenting
- utility that reports more errors when folders are invisible than when
- they're visible (see WARNING section below).
- Only the master account can create new accounts. This doesn't mean
- however that the master account has access to all accounts. Each
- account can change its password. Let's say you want to give your
- spouse a private account. You'd select "Utilities" then "Create New
- Account" and enter the new account password as requested. You would
- then tell your spouse the password you used to establish the account
- and they would run Magic Folders using that password, select
- "Utilities", and select "Change Your Password". Now they have their
- own account, with a password only they know.
- Unlike the master account which can use the KeyDisk to get access
- should the password be forgotten there is no way another account can
- make their magic folders visible if they forget their password -
- other than uninstalling Magic Folders. Don't forget your
- password(s)!
- If you use a disk fix or defrag utility other than SCANDISK, DEFRAG,
- Norton Disk Doctor, or Norton Speed Disk then you MUST test them to
- see if they are safe to use with Magic Folders. The danger is that
- they may see the space allocated to your invisible files and free it
- thereby deleting all your invisible folders and files.
- CHKDSK.EXE is the only program we've tested that becomes confused
- which is why we disable it so that it won't run when Magic Folders is
- installed (as long as it is named CHKDSK.EXE).
- To test your utilities (if not listed above) : Run your disk fix or
- defragmenting utilities when your Magic folders are visible and
- invisible. DO NOT FIX ANY ERRORS THEY MAY REPORT. If more errors
- are reported when your folders are invisible then do one of the
- following:
- 1. Remove the utilities (so you can't use them) or remove Magic Folders.
- 2. Use only one account in Magic Folders (just use the Master Account
- already created) and move the offending utility into one of your
- invisible folders. That way it can only be used when all folders and
- files are visible, and thereby safe.
- If the errors reported are the same when your magic folders are
- hidden as they are when magic folders are visible then you can use
- the utility without concern.
- Please send the results of your testing to support@pc-magic.com
- For those interested in the technical details, this is why CHKDSK
- (and maybe others) get confused. Disk fix and defragmenting
- utilities bypass the operating system and directly examine your disk.
- In this way they can see the space allocated for your invisible
- files. Instead of directly examining the disk to see which files
- belong to this allocated space (as smart utilities do) they instead
- ask the operating system. Since the operating system doesn't see
- your magic folders when they're invisible these utilities assume the
- space allocated to your invisible files should be freed. Freeing
- this space will obviously delete your invisible files and folders.
- On the other hand if you don't create any additional Magic Folder
- accounts except for the Master Account created during installation
- then you can put the offending utility into one of your magic
- folders. In that way it can only be run when all folders and files
- are visible to the operating system.
- DON'T hide folders that contain critical system files. By default
- your folders are invisible until you use Magic Folders to designate
- them as visible. If Windows needs a file that exists only in one of
- your magic folders then it won't be able to find it until you make
- the folders visible. If you accidentally hide important system files
- then you'll need to use your KeyDisk to disable Magic Folders. See
- "Problems?" below.
- * Things to remember
- Backups: Some backup programs won't backup your magic folders unless
- they are visible. Remember, if you have multiple accounts you won't
- be able to make all files visible at once, you can only make the
- magic folders of one account visible at a time.
- Networks: Do not use Magic Folders on a file server for a LAN.
- However it works great protecting files that exist only on your
- workstation's drives.
- Win95 "Boot to DOS": If you exit Win95 by booting to DOS the
- visibility of your magic folders remains the same in DOS as they were
- when you exited Win95. Likewise, if you're using Win95 and you want
- the visibility of your magic folders to be the same when you re-start
- the computer as it was when you shut down the computer then simply
- add a " x" to the line in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file that loads MF.EXE
- (or whatever you renamed it). In other words change the line from
- "LH MF.EXE" to "LH MF.EXE x". Use a lower case "x".
- Shortcut: If you've made your magic folders visible and you want to
- make them invisible again, you need only click on the Magic Folders
- icon and then click on the "Please enter your password" message.
- Another Shortcut: If you're using Win95 and exit Magic Folders by
- clicking on the yellow folder button on the Main Screen, then not
- only will your magic folders be visible, but the "Hide M-folders"
- icon will appear on the Task Bar. You need only click on this "Hide
- M-folders" icon and your magic folders will be instantly hidden.
- Notice that the "Hide M-folders" description only appears for 5
- seconds and then disappears leaving no evidence that Magic Folders is
- present.
- * Making Magic Folders tougher to defeat
- Magic Folders does a great job of keeping your files protected and
- invisible if its loaded and running. If no one knows Magic Folders
- is running then they won't have any reason to try to defeat it. To
- the non-authorized user, Magic Folders is totally transparent. If we
- broadcast the fact Magic Folders is protecting your files then a
- nosey user could try to disable it.
- There are things you can do to make Magic Folders more difficult to
- defeat. During installation MF.EXE is renamed to the new name you
- give it. You can make multiple copies of this renamed file, giving
- each copy a different name, putting them in different directories,
- and running each of the different copies from within your
- AUTOEXEC.BAT file. Someone would then have to remove all references
- to the renamed Magic Folders files in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file before
- Magic Folders would be defeated. Don't worry about loading Magic
- Folders multiple times as it only loads itself once regardless of how
- many times it is run.
- If you're using Windows 95 you can also use this "multiple load using
- different names" method in the SYSTEM.INI file. Look for the section
- "[386Enh]" and add a line underneath it that says "device=" followed
- by the full pathname of the renamed Magic Folders.EXE file. For
- example, if during installation you rename Magic Folders to SYS_MGR,
- and the Magic Folders files are in C:\MF, then you would add the
- line: "device=c:\mf\sys_mgr.exe". This is only useful in Win95.
- If you decide to load Magic Folders multiple times from within your
- AUTOEXEC.BAT file keep in mind that using the "Uninstall" Utility
- within Magic Folders only un-installs the initial copy of Magic
- Folders. You'll need to manually remove all other references to the
- renamed MF.EXE file in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file (and SYSTEM.INI if
- appropriate).
- Note: We have a program that makes Magic Folders MUCH harder to
- defeat. Almost the only way to defeat it is to boot from a floppy
- and not run Windows. It even loads during the safe boot modes of
- Windows 95. The problem is that this method requires modifying
- COMMAND.COM and WIN.COM. We don't feel comfortable releasing this
- to the public. If you think we should, then you're welcome to try
- and change our minds by sending e-mail to support@pc-magic.om.
- Please don't call.
- * FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
- "Sometimes after making my magic folders invisible they still show up
- in directory listings, even tho I can't access them or their files.
- Why?"
- Many programs keep their directory listings in memory. So if you
- have the program do a directory search before hiding your folders
- the program will continue to use that directory information even
- after you hide your folders. File Manager and Explorer both do this.
- If you force the program to regather (refresh) the directory
- information then you'll see that your folders really are invisible.
- The hot key to force a refresh in File Manager and Explorer is F5.
- "I'm having problems with my disk compression software"
- Check the AUTOEXEC.BAT file and make sure the line that run Magic
- Folders (or whatever you renamed it during installation) is being run
- AFTER the line that loads your disk compression software (Stacker,
- DoubleDisk, etc..).
- "I forgot my password. What now?"
- Master Account:
- Put your KeyDisk in the appropriate floppy drive. Run Magic Folders
- and attempt to enter a password three times. After the third attempt
- Magic Folders will attempt to read your Password from your KeyDisk.
- Other Accounts:
- You'll have to have the Master Account uninstall Magic Folders, re-
- install it, and then re-create a new account for you.
- "I want to un-install Magic Folders but I forgot my password so I
- can't use the Magic Folders utilities to un-install. What now?"
- Re-boot using a System floppy. Insert your KeyDisk and run
- "I registered but the program is still asking me to register."
- Make sure MFD.SYS is in the same directory as MAGIC.EXE. MFD.SYS is
- for your use only and has been customized with your personal
- information. If MFD.SYS isn't in the directory with MAGIC.EXE then
- the program won't act registered. If you registered via modem then
- MFD.SYS was downloaded and installed automatically, otherwise it's on
- the disk we sent when you registered. For more information select
- "About your registration" under the "Registration" menu.
- * Technical Support
- Registered users can get technical support by calling (206) 939-4105
- (after Oct97: (253) 939-4105
- or by e-mail: support@pc-magic.com
- * Latest Versions
- You can always find the latest versions of all our software on our
- WEB page at: www.pc-magic.com
- Thank you for taking a look at Magic Folders. Hope you find it
- worthy of your support.